Attention Greater DFW & Alliance Area Companies Who Are Worried About CyberSecurity & Compliance!

What's Your CyberSecurity Plan? Who are You Trusting Your Company's Sensitive Data and Reputation to and How Quickly Can You Respond to a Breach?

Give us a call and let us show you how to protect your critical company assets and intellectual property from cyber-criminals and other “adversarial actors” who take advantage of you, your company, and potentially your customers as well! We’ll lead you through a complete cybersecurity risk mitigation solution based on the current NIST framework that will proactively satisfy SOX, ISO, and upcoming GDPR regulations—all while maintaining operational efficiency and potentially qualifying you for a discount on your cyber liability insurance!


  • IDENTIFY which COMPANY ASSETS need protection and which THREATS exist in your industry – both EXTERNAL and INTERNAL.
  • PROTECT those COMPANY ASSETS once identified with cutting-edge TECHNOLOGY, TRAINING, and POLICY.
  • DETECT EXPLOITS, BOTS, BACK-DOORS, and WEAKNESSES already in place within your NETWORK, YOUR STAFF, and the DARK WEB.
  • RESPOND  QUICKLY with a proactively customized Response Plan that stops a BREACH or hacking attempt in its tracks and prevents it from spreading and exploiting other parts of your business.
  • RECOVER QUICKLY from any malicious or damaging activity with a complete backup and disaster recovery solution that ensures both DATA and FINANCIAL RECOVERY.
  • GOVERN an enterprise risk management strategy that covers cyber, supply chain, and privacy risks through PEOPLE, PRACTICES, and PROCESSES.

iTrust IT's "CyberTrust®" Cyber-Security Service:
The most-scalable and most-robust Cyber-Security solution available in the Alliance Corridor & Greater Dallas/Fort Worth area - Let us advise you on properly securing your company today!

It seems like virtually every morning, the WSJ reports a new cybersecurity breach or vulnerability in popular business software or hardware. Yet another company has fallen victim to hackers demanding a ransom, nation-states or corporate spies accessing critical secret intellectual property, or even their own employees recklessly or purposefully putting themselves and the company’s reputation at risk. Will you be tomorrow’s headline and investigative news story? It’s a troubling thought with a complicated solution. We can help!

We’ve dedicated our company to upholding, defending, and maintaining the highest level of trust-based solutions for our clients across industries where compliance and security are top of mind. Our CEO believes that “Great cybersecurity IS complicated—but it’s not rocket science”—and as an aerospace engineering graduate, he should know!

To that end, we’ve applied engineering principles to design and implement a robust cybersecurity system of solutions. Our design drivers are based on a dedication to risk mitigation as a primary objective, with the realities of budget and the demands of operational efficiency in mind. With our detail-oriented and servant-based leadership approach, our team can go beyond cybersecurity to help increase your competitive advantage and ultimately achieve a measurable return on investment of your valuable resources of time and treasure.

We have a saying at iTrust that states, “Security bows at the altar of convenience and at the feet of budget”—which is a great reminder that way too often, companies across the world make conscious emotional decisions in the name of operational efficiency and budget and then back them up with false logical statements like “We don’t have time to be secure” or “We don’t have the money to be secure.”

In reality, we’ve found that if you don’t take cybersecurity seriously NOW, you won’t have money or time to focus on your company’s objectives because you’ll have both of those critical resources tied up in recovery efforts from an untimely breach and public embarrassment. We’re here to help you prevent that!

We firmly believe that GREAT CyberSecurity is FRUGAL, GOOD CyberSecurity can’t be CHEAP, and BAD CyberSecurity will be EXPENSIVE!

Let us show you what GREAT CyberSecurity looks like!  817-717-5753



Risk Mitigation:
Trust that our #1 goal is to mitigate risk for your organization, weighing the likelihood that a cyber-security event will occur against the impact on your organization of financial theft, intellectual property theft, and the PR black-eye of a public breach.


Trust that we can scale “on-demand” to meet a rising cyber-security threat with a fully-manned Security Operations Center (SOC) of cyber-security experts armed with a state-of-the-art Security Information & Event Management System (SIEM), Tier 3 Network Operations Center (NOC), and our friendly and helpful Level 1 & Level 2 Help Desk of over 300 people—all available 24/7/365 to identify potential threats, protect against known threats, detect zero-day threats, respond immediately when threats are imminent, and recover after threats have been subdued.


Operational Efficiency:
Trust that we can implement a robust cyber-security solution that balances security with operational efficiency. We guide you through implementing risk-informed business practices that focus on balancing efficiencies in people, policy, processes, and systems.


Competitive Advantage:
Trust in the protective advantages over your competition that a professional cyber-security solution affords and the extended protection that your customers will see as a result. When your competitors are breached, you will have peace of mind knowing that you have a complete cyber-security solution in place that will spare you from their fate.


Return on Investment:
Trust that your investment in cyber-security will yield a powerful return in the form of peace of mind, knowing that though no solution can be 100% effective against the rising tide of cyber-crime, you have made the decision to ensure that you have exercised due care in all respects. The true ROI on any cyber-security solution is often measured in millions of dollars that won’t have to be paid in legal fees and emergency professional response and mitigation!


10 WaysThe Top 10 Ways
Hackers Get Around
Your Firewall and
Anti-Virus to
Rob You Blind

Cybercrime is at an all-time high, and hackers are setting their sights on small and medium businesses who are “low hanging fruit.” Don’t be their next victim! This report reveals the most common ways that hackers get in and how to protect yourself today.

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